We are working on a microsite for <TEAM/ORG> which is due to go live on <DATE>.
It's a project build on the [Birdbox](https://github.com/mozmeao/birdbox) kit and needs SSO setting up to allow access to the content management system
For _each_ of the sites/domains listed below, I would be extremely grateful if you can please provision the following:
1. OIDC credentials for each site as mentioned in [this documentation](https://mozilla-django-oidc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#acquire-a-client-id-and-client-secret).
2. A specific group created in people.m.o for each site to allow SSO access (group names and curators will be listed below)
3. The relevant IAM-side mapping so that only members of that specific people.m.o group can sign in to a site using the OIDC credentials above
Setup spec:
(The OIDC callback path for all of the below will be `/oidc/callback/`)
1. NEWSITE Production
* Domain(s): https://NEWSITE.mozilla.com, https://prod.NEWSITE.CLUSTER.SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.TLD
* people.m.o group name: `birdbox-NEWSITE-production`
* Initial curators: YOUR_HANDLE@mozilla.com, APPROPRIATE_PERSON@mozilla.com
2. NEWSITE Staging
* people.m.o group name: `birdbox-NEWSITE-staging`
* Initial curators: YOURHANDLE@mozilla.com, OTHERDEVELOPER1@mozilla.com
3. NEWSITE Development
* Domain(s): https://dev.NEWSITE.CLUSTER.SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.TLD, http://localhost:8000, http://locahost:8080,,
* people.m.o group name: `birdbox-NEWSITE-development`
* Initial curators: YOURHANDLE@mozilla.com, OTHERDEVELOPER1@mozilla.com
Credentials can be sent to be via whatever secure mechanism the IAM team prefers. I will ensure they are set for the services that need them.
Any questions, just ask in comments on this ticket, in #birdbox, or via DM.
Thank you!