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Design philosophy

Every site created with Birdbox runs off a fork of the main project.

This was a deliberate design decision, trying to balance maintainability and stability with increasing functionality.

As such, a fix made to the core repository must be able to be flowed downstream to its forks. Care must be taken to ensure this can happen in a way that does not break those forks.

For documentation on carrying out actual maintenance work, please see Extending.

Dependency update policy

Core mozmeao/birdbox runs Github Dependabot alerts for both security vulnerabilities and regular dependency updates.

We will proactively keep core birdbox as up to date as practical:

  • General dependency updates to the core codbase will be flowed downstream to all forks within 14 days of them landing in core.
  • Security dependency updates to the core codebase will be flowed downstream within 24 business hours of them landing in core.

Steps for updating a downstream fork

Once a change/fix has landed in core mozmeao/birdbox and you have identified which downstream fork you want to update (first - you'll need to do them all, ultimately), here's a process to use.

(Here we'll refer to an existing, earlier-made fork as forkedsite. Forks should have an upstream remote, which is mozmeao/birdbox. You can check this with more .git/config in a local checkout of forkedsite.)

  1. Check out the main branch of forkedsite and ensure you're up to date. e.g. git switch main && git pull --ff-only
  2. Fetch the latest state of upstream's main branch: git fetch upstream main
  3. Compare it with the fork's main: git diff upstream/main..HEAD
  4. Sync forkedsite:main to be the same as birdbox:main with git merge upstream/main --ff-only (or use the Github UI)
  5. Check the log forkedsite and ensure it has all the commits that you'd expect from mozmeao/birdbox
  6. Push up the changes to the Github repo for forkedsite: git push origin main. This will trigger CI on that repo and also deploy it to the dev service.
  7. Check that CI is all green and that the Dev service is happy. Deploy to stage and then prod as per Extending.

(Suggestions for improvements to this process are very welcome.)

Reporting Security vulnerabilities

If you believe that you've found a Mozilla-related security vulnerability in mozmeao/birdbox, please report it by sending an email to